
Good to Great Schools Australia membership is free! So are the evidence-based curriculum, professional learning modules and school improvement resources we provide you.

Membership Options



Sign up if you are one of these:

  • Instruction Coach
  • Teacher
  • Teaching Assistant


Sign up if you are one of these:

  • Principal
  • Assistant Principal
  • Deputy Principal
  • Executive Principal
  • Head of Curriculum
  • Head of Department

Ready-to-teach Curriculum Lessons

Lessons and classroom resources are based on explicit instruction so every teacher can succeed. 

Accessible Professional Development Modules

Are you seeking professional development as an educator? Enhance your effective teaching and leadership repertoire with professional learning courses. Check out the wide range of modules for school leaders, teachers and teaching assistants. 

Easy-to-use School Improvement Tools

These school improvement resources cover evidence-based practices for what works to improve. Schools are well supported along their school improvement journey.
Delivering special ed with DI
Guide for families