Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy

Interested in Working at Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy?
Teach in Cape York, develop your skills, gain unique experience and play your part in remote educatioon reform.
Levelling the Educational Field with CYAAA

“Our students have fewer opportunities and more challenges than other Australian children. But we don’t let that define their lives. We give them every opportunity, and we expect them to work hard. Our results reflect how hard our teachers and students are prepared to work to achieve our goals.”
CYAAA aims to close the academic achievement gap so that students successfully transition into high-quality, high-expectation secondary boarding schools and graduate at the same levels as their mainstream peers.
At the same time the program places significant emphasis on the preservation and continuation of the Guugu Yimithirr language and culture.

Working Together Towards a Better Future

“Our vision for our children is that we are determined to ensure that our younger generations achieve their full potential, talent and creativity and have the confidence and capacity for hard work so they can orbit between both worlds and enjoy the best of both.”
The Department of Education operates the school campuses while GGSA provides the education mode with a strong focus on English, Maths and Science, as well as local language and culture, music, and student and family support.
We also provide guidance on school improvement implementation and extensive professional development in Effective Teaching.

Support Our Mission
Every Australian child deserves equal opportunities, irrespective of their background, geographic location, or economic status. Our goal is to level the educational field for those less privileged. We commit to ensuring that any student in a classroom utilising Effective Teaching will not only learn to read but also advance faster than the national average.
Your tax-deductible donations are directly allocated to acquiring essential learning materials and books for these students.
Scan the QR code or click ‘Donate Now’ to make your contribution today!