Webinars and consultations tailored to your school’s needs
The Power of Direct Instruction webinar with Noel Pearson
In June 2024, Noel Pearson presented a compelling webinar on Direct Instruction. Hosted by McGraw Hill Australia in collaboration with Good to Great Schools Australia (GGSA), the event was titled The Power of Direct Instruction and featured insights from GGSA’s founder and director, Noel Pearson. If you’re interested, members can view the webinar recording or register for a free membership to access it here.
Our tailored services
Working out which instructional approaches are best for your teaching team and students takes time and can be challenging. Our tailored professional development sessions make it easy for you and your team.
We introduce your team to the variety of approaches and programs and talk through how they could be implemented effectively in your school setting.
Before sessions, we gather information from you about your school. We can then talk through the different options on how your school can adopt approaches and programs to meet your goals.
Our professional development is designed to meet your needs. We can tailor the implementation to the school roles, your goals or current levels of knowledge.
Our professional development is available in-person in your school or online. Sessions can range in time from 60 minutes to a full day, depending on your needs.
Sessions can include activities like:
- unpacking the evidence
- reviewing case studies of similar schools
- investigating programs
- studying forms of implementation
- question and answers sessions.
Our consultants are more than happy to tailor a session to your needs.
Request a free, no-obligation consultation

Meet our team
Leading schoolwide implementations
Julie Grantham
Julie Grantham has over four decades experience as a teacher, principal and senior public servant, including three years as Director-General of the Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment.
As Director of Schools at Good to Great Schools Australia, Julie supports schools and education systems to deliver programs that meet the needs of all students.
Bernardine Denigan
Bernardine Denigan is the founding CEO of Good to Great Schools Australia (GGSA) and former CEO of Australia’s leading Indigenous think-tank, Cape York Partnership. Bernie has developed GGSA into Australia’s leading provider of evidence-based effective teaching to schools.
As CEO of GGSA, Bernie leads and drives the development of the business with a focus on innovating education programs that delight customers.
Teaching Oz-e curriculum programs
Sara Reynolds
Sara is a teacher specialising in explicit instruction. As a Curriculum Developer with Good to Great Schools Australia, Sara develops Oz-e-English Writing Years 5-6 lessons. Oz-e-English Writing Years 5–6 integrates key learning areas including Creative Writing, History, Business and Economics, and Civics through rich exemplar texts, writing tasks, discussions and activities.
On-demand professional development webinars with Anita Archer
This series of stand-alone videos showcase internationally revered and recognised literacy expert Anita Archer presenting practical curriculum and effective teaching strategies. Watch our free samples below and view the remaining 11 videos here.
View All 14 On-Demand Professional Development with Anita Archer Videos
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Upcoming webinars
We currently have no upcoming webinars.
On-demand webinars

Completely FREE Resource Guide containing information about our:
⦁ Classroom-ready curriculum resources mapped to the Australian curriculum and based on robust evidence.
⦁ Professional learning modules aligned with AITSL professional standards for teachers, teacher aides, principals and instruction coaches.
⦁ School improvement tools based on best international practices for success in literacy, numeric skills and other key areas.