Christopher Pyne joins Good to Great Schools Australia as ambassador

Written by Louise

November 1, 2023

Good to Great Schools Australia has added former Education Minister Christopher Pyne to our ambassadors program.

In his time as Education Minister, he reformed the national curriculum, introduced compulsory literacy and numeracy testing for Australian teaching graduates, expanded explicit instruction teaching in remote schools in northern Australia, and delivered the National Innovation and Science Agenda. In 2006, he founded ‘headspace: the Youth Mental Health Initiative’.

Christopher Pyne was elected to the House of Representatives for the seat of Sturt in 1993. He retired from the Parliament in 2019.

He was a Minister in the Howard, Abbott, Turnbull and Morrison governments, serving as Minister for Education and Training, Minister for Ageing, Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, Minister for Defence and Minister for Defence Industry.

Before entering Parliament, Christopher practised as a solicitor.

As a Good to Great Schools Australia ambassador, Christopher Pyne will help advance our vision for an Australia where every child, no matter what their background is, attends a school that develops their academic, cultural, creative, sporting and civic potential so they can live fulfilling lives.

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