News Articles

Cape York students kick-off week-long music masterclass

Indigenous students from Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy (CYAAA) communities of Coen and Hope Vale are set for a music-packed week, with a music camp, Cairns Festival performance and workshop with didgeridoo virtuoso and classical music superstar William...

Teach spelling effectively with Spelling Mastery

Teaching students how to spell can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be! Teachers can effectively help students become confident and successful spellers with explicit teaching of spelling skills. Effective teaching of spelling Spelling Mastery explicitly teaches...

Outback school combines science and visual arts in end-of-unit assessment

A school in Mount Isa has creatively integrated its end-of-unit science assessment with other key learning areas to reinforce learning across subjects. The early years class at St. Kieran’s Catholic Primary School combined its Oz-e-science end-of-unit...

How to teach Noel Pearson’s ‘three stories of Australia’

In this post we explain why Noel Pearson’s ‘three strands of Australian society’ are important for educators and how to incorporate them into your classroom. Noel Pearson first introduced the concept that Australia’s national heritage comprises three parts, “our...