Music for Learning Fund boosts music education in Coen

Written by Louise

November 1, 2023

The Music for Learning Fund at Coen Campus of Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy enables parents to buy their children’s musical instruments for half price.

Owning a musical instrument means children can practice at home, having more time to develop their musical talents.

It also means that when they go to boarding school, which is a necessity for many students in remote communities, they can take their instrument with them and continue their music education.

The Music for Learning Fund was started by the Ministerial Champion for Coen, Cameron Dick, who put aside $10,000 to help Coen students get more access to musical instruments.

The fund helps families buy musical instruments for their children by paying half the cost of a musical instrument directly to the supplier. Families can pay their half of the cost directly to the supplier or use a Student Education Trust (SET).

Application forms are available from the school.

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