Resources online now

Written by Natasha

February 19, 2024

Good to Great Schools Australia provides free access to our curriculum and professional development resources based on your type of membership. 
School Resource Partnership gives the whole teaching team access to a wider range of resources than individual members.  
Principals, deputies, department heads, and instruction coaches can sign their whole team up for a School Resource Partnership. Learn more here. 




Online, self-paced professional learning modules – complete your Professional Development on a phone, tablet or desktop. 
We offer hundreds of free online modules, focused on teaching practice, school improvement, positive high expectations and more.



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Deliver Positive High-Expectations Classroom Practices is a professional learning module for teachers and teaching assistants  to apply foundational classroom management practices to improve their classroom’s climate and contribute to the shaping of a positive-high expectations school culture. Lessons 6 – 10 are now live!

  • Lesson 6 explores best practices for preventing problem behaviour.

  • Lesson 7 focuses on ways to encourage expected behaviour with positive reinforcement strategies.

  • Lesson 8 demonstrates how teachers can effectively respond to minor inappropriate behaviours in the classroom.

  • Lesson 9 unpacks the procedures for managing Tier 2 and 3 (major) behaviour incidents as well as the role of the teacher in supporting the development and implementation of Individual Behaviour Plans.

  • Lesson 10 provides practical strategies for building positive relationships with parents and increasing parent engagement in the classroom.

Deliver Continuous Improvement Coaching is for instructional coaches committed to elevating educational outcomes. Lessons 1 – 10 are now live! The lessons cover the role of the instruction coach and school leaders in continuous school improvement, explains how instruction coaches promote effective teaching and a high expectations culture, and discusses the optimal conditions for continuous improvement. 

Teach Reading Mastery Signature Edition – K  

We have professional learning modules to assist schools in delivering Reading Mastery Signature Edition (RMSE). There is a module for each year level of RMSE. Please ensure you are logged in to access these links:

Deliver Continuous Improvement Leadership is for school leaders aspiring to improve student results in their schools. Lesson 1 – 6 are now live!

  • Lesson 1 describes the crucial role of the principal and school leaders in continuous school improvement.

  • Lesson 2 explains the school improvement cycle and how the principal promotes a school community and high expectations.

  • Lesson 3 introduces the Continuous Improvement Tracker and its features.

  • Lesson 4 discusses the optimal conditions for continuous improvement.

  • Lesson 5 unpacks the direct impact of the principal and role in continuous improvement.

  • Lesson 6 describes how the principal facilitates school improvement.



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