Bible Literacy

Explore our classroom-ready, Bible Literacy program, which is aligned with Australian standards and built on effective teaching principals. 

Image of Resources for Foundation Year Unit 1 Music mapped to the Australian Curriculum

Bible Literacy F-6

Unit 1 

Unit 2

Unit 3 

Unit 4 (Coming February 2025)

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Principals and school leaders can sign their school up to a School Resource Partnership. This free membership gives schoolwide access to additional resources and the opportunity to enter a School Improvement Partnership.

Bible Literacy brings the timeless stories of the Old and New Testaments to life through a cultural and historical examination of the people, places and events that shape the Bible. 


Photo of two children playing the trumpet to music they have learned as part of their Australian Curriculum

The topics of Sacred Text, Beliefs and Christian Life are used to explore the roots of Christianity, including the Jewish traditions that Jesus and the apostles practised, God’s relationship with His chosen people, and the roles of God the Father, Jesus the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit. 

Build Literacy using Bible Stories

Students examine the Christian principles and beliefs to deepen their understanding of Scripture and be able to relate it to their experiences and their own faith journeys.  

Students study morality and the choices that lead to sin or holy life, as well as Jesus’ teachings and examples as a model for Christian living. Stories tie in seasonal events on the Christian calendar to offer even greater opportunities for students to incorporate the Bible into their lives. 

Image of Complete Music for Learning resources mapped to Australian Curriculum
Image of Complete Music for Learning resources mapped to Australian Curriculum

Develop student curiosity

The Bible stories are accompanied by artworks that showcase the religious expression of Christians from different cultures around the world and throughout time. There are audio Bible verses spoken in the languages of these cultures with accompanying images of them practising their faith.
This develops students’ curiosity about people from different backgrounds and fosters an appreciation of their art, language, values, relationships, history, and shared faith so they can reflect, develop empathy and increase their perspectives and understanding of others.

Access a Complete Toolkit of Ready-to-Deliver Lessons

Bible Literacy has a complete toolkit  for delivering high-quality lessons including:

  • a suite of ready-to-deliver interactive, animated and illustrated scripted lessons
  • Teaching Guides that provides step-by-step support with scripted content with instructions
  • Student Workbooks
  • assessment framework
  •  online professional learning module.

Enhance ACARA Cross-Curricular Priorty Areas


The Bible Literacy Program is a cross-curricula program that integrates ACARA English standards and descriptors with Christian religious subject areas and disciplines drawn from various state and territory school systems.

Image of teacher showing a student how to play music on the guitar as part of the Australian Curriculum.
Image of students in a band playing music as part of their Australian Curriculum


When delivered throughout primary school, a student accumulates a solid foundation of understanding of the Bible and graduates with the confidence to stay engaged in and continually learn from the Bible throughout their lives.
This unique program makes a valuable and compelling addition to any school’s religious instruction program of study with its cohesive, knowledge-rich, sequential lessons spanning all primary school grades.